Friday, September 7, 2018

Experimental Film Review: "Intermittent Delight" by Akosua Adoma Owusu

"Intermittent Delight Review" -

From the beginning what pulled me in was the music. It had good consistent beat to listen to. At first it is not entirely clear as to what is going on since it is just a bunch of patterns and different colors show as the music plays. Soon after the main focus becomes a fridge which ends up appearing throughout the entire short film just in different scenarios and slightly different looks. Unlike some other experimental short films I've seen this one I genuinely enjoyed because of the different aspects in it that in an odd way all made some sense in all honesty. I also watched it more than once to catch things I may have missed the first time I watched it and to my delight I did find new things. "Intermittent Delight" is a great experimental short film that should be given more credit than it is given.